Records Retention Requirements for Federal Contractors

Federal contractors must know the requirements for maintaining records pertaining to work performed on federal contracts. Unfortunately, there’s not one definitive answer on how long a record should be kept. Often, the first step for determining how long a record must be kept is identifying what type of records your organization creates and maintains in the first place. The following article is meant to help federal contractors in identifying relevant sources of law as they determine how long to maintain various document types.

Additionally, federal contractors should maintain compliance with state and federal laws pertaining to record keeping that are not specifically related to performance on government contracts, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (See 29 CFR Part 516.5), the ADA, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Davis-Bacon Act, the Contract Work Hours and Safety Act, and the Service Contract Act.

FAR Subpart 4.7

The first place a federal contractor should look to in determining its record retention obligations is FAR Subpart 4.7.

Under FAR 4.703(a), the general rule is that “contractors shall make available records, which includes books, documents, accounting procedures and practices, and other data, regardless of type and regardless of whether such items are in written form, in the form of computer data, or in any other form, and other supporting evidence to satisfy contract negotiation, administration, and audit requirements of the contracting agencies and the Comptroller General” for three years after final payment on the contract.

Certain records, however, are subject to different records retention periods under FAR 4.705 to 4.705-3. More on that below.

The first deviations from the three-year rule are found in FAR 4.703(b), which states that contractors must retain records longer than the period prescribed in FAR 4.703(a) if:

The second major deviation from the three-year rule is found in FAR 4.705 to 4.705-3. Records falling under FAR 4.705 to 4.705-3 are subject to varying lengths of retention and include:

Financial and cost accounting records (FAR 4.705-1)

Pay administration records (FAR 4.705-2)

Acquisition and supply records (FAR 4.705-3)

FAR 4.705-1 includes the following categories of documents which must be retained for four years: