Medicaid Coverage of Behavioral Health Services in 2022: Findings from a Survey of State Medicaid Programs

Medicaid plays a key role in covering and financing care for people with behavioral health conditions. Nearly 40% of the nonelderly adult Medicaid population (13.9 million enrollees) had a mental health or substance use disorder (SUD) in 2020. Most enrollees with behavioral health conditions qualify for Medicaid because of their low incomes. Behavioral health services are not a specifically defined category of Medicaid benefits: some may fall under mandatory Medicaid benefit categories (e.g., psychiatrist services may be covered under the “physician services” category), and states may also cover behavioral health benefits through optional benefit categories (e.g., case management services, prescription drugs, and rehabilitative services). Behavioral health services for children are particularly comprehensive due to Medicaid’s EPSDT benefit for children: children diagnosed with behavioral health conditions receive any service available under federal Medicaid law necessary to correct or ameliorate the condition. However, the same is not required for adults.

To better understand the variation in access to behavioral health services for adults in Medicaid, KFF surveyed state Medicaid officials about behavioral health benefits covered for adult enrollees in their fee-for-service (FFS) programs. These questions were part of KFF’s Behavioral Health Survey of state Medicaid programs, fielded as a supplement to the 22 nd annual budget survey of Medicaid officials conducted by KFF and Health Management Associates (HMA). A total of 45 states (including the District of Columbia) responded to the behavioral health benefits survey. This issue brief uses the survey data to describe the landscape of behavioral health service coverage across states, including themes across and within service categories. Additional state-by-state detail is available in KFF’s Medicaid Behavioral Health Services data collection. Further policy context is available in a series of behavioral health briefs that can be accessed in the “Behavioral Health Supplemental Survey” section on this page.

Medicaid coverage of behavioral health services varied moderately across states, with the median number of covered services at 44 of the 55 services queried (Figure 1). We provided state Medicaid officials with a list of 55 behavioral health benefits and asked them to indicate which were covered under their FFS Medicaid programs for adults, as of July 1, 2022 (for more information on survey methods, see Appendix A). We grouped the benefits queried by service category: institutional care/intensive, outpatient, SUD, naloxone (without prior authorization), crisis, integrated care, and other services. Notably, all but one state (SC) reported coverage of at least half of all services queried, with a median coverage rate of four-fifths of all services (44 of 55). These high rates of coverage reflect state trends in recent years to expand Medicaid services across the behavioral health care continuum—however, coverage of services may not translate into access to care, particularly given workforce shortages that make accessibility a challenge for Medicaid enrollees (as well as people with private insurance). We also asked states that reported coverage of each service to indicate any copay requirements as well as notable limits on the services (such as day limits or other utilization controls, including prior authorization requirements). 1 Across services, most states reported no copay requirements, but limits were more common.

These findings are limited to FFS Medicaid and do not comprehensively capture variation in coverage for managed care organizations (MCOs) or Section 1115 waivers. Within each service category, we asked states to note differences in coverage for populations receiving services from MCOs or through Section 1115 waivers. Most states continue to rely on MCOs to deliver inpatient and outpatient behavioral health services, and these MCOs may offer services to their adult enrollees that differ from those available on a FFS basis. States also may use Section 1115 waivers to operate their Medicaid programs in ways that differ from what is required by federal statute; these can include “comprehensive” waivers that make broad changes in Medicaid benefits and other program rules or more targeted demonstrations. For state-specific information on behavioral health benefit coverage variation in MCOs or Section 1115 waivers as reported by states, see footnotes on indicators in the data collection. See also Appendix A for a summary of survey methods.

Across responding states, coverage rates were highest for SUD and outpatient services and lowest for crisis services (Figure 2). As indicated in Figure 2, for each service category, the majority of responding states covered more than 50% of the services queried, with at least a few states reporting coverage of 100% of services queried. Some states reported high coverage rates across service categories, including six states that cover more than 90% of all services queried: NY, AZ, OR, MI, NJ, and WV. Each of these states cover all services in multiple of the categories: for example, MI and OR each cover 100% of the services queried in the institutional, outpatient, SUD, and integrated care categories. 2

Additional detail on definitions of and trends within each service category, including copays and limits, is included in the bullets below. For a detailed table showing the number of states with coverage of each individual benefit, see Appendix B.