The AP Computer Science Principles Exam assesses student understanding of the computational thinking practices and learning objectives outlined in the course framework. The AP Exam consists of the Create performance task and an end-of-course exam. For more information, download the AP Computer Science Principles Course and Exam Description (CED).
Encourage your students to visit the AP Computer Science Principles student page for exam information.
Wed, Apr 30, 2025
This is the deadline for students to complete all required components of the Create performance task and submit as final in the AP Digital Portfolio.
Thu, May 15, 2025
Given the implications of ChatGPT and other similar generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools on the Create performance task, changes were made to the Create performance task in 2023-24, which will continue to apply in the 2024-25 academic year. A recording of the 2023-24 Create Performance Task Updates webinar is available on the Overview page of the Course Guide section in AP Classroom, under Teacher Resources.
Get detailed directions for completing the Create performance task.
This tip sheet will help your students understand the guidelines for creating a readable Personalized Project Reference, which must be submitted as final by the deadline in the AP Digital Portfolio for access on exam day.
This reference sheet can be used by students throughout the course to become familiar with the AP CSP content. It contains both block-based and text-based programming constructs and establishes a common way to communicate programming concepts.
The AP Digital Portfolio page provides instructions on how to navigate the web-based application and review the submission status of students' Create performance task.
Access formative topic questions—including those to help scaffold the Create performance task written responses—summative practice questions, and AP Daily videos on each course topic.
Find answers to common questions about the course, exam, digital portfolio, Create performance task, plagiarism and AI, AP Course Audit, and more.
The AP Computer Science Principles end-of-course exam has consistent question types and weighting every year, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day.
Section I: End-of-Course Multiple-Choice Exam
70 multiple-choice questions | 120 minutes | 70% of score | 4 answer options
Section II: Create Performance Task and Written Response
30% of score
The second section of the AP Computer Science Principles Exam consists of a through-course Create performance task where students will develop a computer program of their choice and an end-of-course written response section where students demonstrate their understanding of their personal Create performance task by answering two questions. Students will be provided 9 hours of in-class time to complete their program, record a video of their program running, and develop a Personalized Project Reference.
On the end-of-course exam, students will respond to two questions related to the code in their Personalized Project Reference. The two questions include four distinct prompts: Written Response 1, Written Response 2(a), Written Response 2(b), and Written Response 2(c). Students will have access to their Personalized Project Reference while responding to these prompts. The four categories listed below align to the four prompts.
Students should be prepared to respond to prompts about their program that assess any of the following learning objectives:
Students should be prepared to respond to prompts about their program that assess any of the following learning objectives:
Students should be prepared to respond to prompts about their program that assess any of the following learning objectives:
Students should be prepared to respond to prompts about their program that assess any of the following learning objectives: