Well applications overview

Depending on the project, you must submit one Schedule 1 (Applicant General Information) along with one or more of the following schedules:

· Schedule 4 Well licence application

· Schedule 4.1 Well working interest participants

· Schedule 4.2 Multi-well pad location

· Schedule 4.3 Well H 2 S information

Note : For wells that will be drilled deeper than 150 m to supply water for domestic or stock watering purposes, a well licence application is required. Please contact AER Facilities Applications for details and instruction.

A project is defined as a network of facilities, pipelines, and/or wells that connect to a common facility. A project submission may consist of a single licence application or of multiple licence applications of related facilities, pipelines, and wells.

To file a project submission, you must:

1. submit the application under one company name using one Schedule 1 - Applicant General Information

2. fulfill all applicable regulatory requirements, including participant involvement requirements (Directive 056, Section 2), prior to filing a new application for a project for which a licence has expired.

Due to the complexity of some developments, it is possible that you may not be able to act on a licence before the expiry date. If licence expiry is imminent, contact Facilities Applications for advice on how best to proceed.