Evidence-Based Practice: Research Guide | 5 Steps of EBP

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Subjects: Library & Research Help

5 Steps of EBP

  1. Ask: Convert the need for information into an answerable question.
  2. Find: Track down the best evidence with which to answer that question.
  3. Appraise: Critically appraise that evidence for its validity and applicability.
  4. Apply: Integrate the critical appraisal with clinical expertise and with the patient's unique biology, values, and circumstances.
  5. Evaluate: Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency in executing steps 1-4 and seek ways to improve them both for next time.

1. ASK: Using PICO

Formulating a strong clinical question is the first step in the research process. PICO is a way of building clinical research questions that allow you to focus your research, and to create a query that better matches most medical databases.

Example: In a (describe patient) can (intervention A) affect (outcome) compared with (intervention B)?